Steroid Secrets & Tips

100's of Tips from our 2800 Facebook Angels




It's the side effects that wear you down but there are measures you can take to lessen the effects-Here's tips on what works for me-SHIRLEY

Of course we can tell you a lot about the IV Solumedrol treatments because a lot of us have had these a time or two or three or four.... during the course of our disease.

Personally, I've had four treatments since my diagnosis in June 2004. I have a love/hate relationship because the steroids help to reduce the inflammation and possibly lessen the severity of the relapse as well as decrease the length of time to recovery.

I have never been admitted in to the hospital for my treatments. They have always been given to me through the hospital outpatient ward.

I'd have my infusion usually in the morning and then an hour or so later I'd be on my merry way. I'd do this every morning for 3 days.

It's the side effects that can really wear you down but there are measures that you can take to lessen the effects. Here's tips on what works for me: Drink lots of water; eat a healthy diet making sure to avoid simply carbohydrates which include junk-type foods; avoid sugary snacks and limit your caffeine consumption; be mindful of your blood pressure and warn your family because your moods may start swinging.

Above all be sure to rest even though you feel as if you can concur the world - this is a false notion and world domination should be avoided...LOL.

I hope your treatments go well and you feel better soon. Please take care and be good to yourself.

I had a relapse & had the 5 day IV drip at home where a nurse taught me and I administered the IV fluids myself-DEBBIE

I had a relapse after 6years of being in remission and had the 5 day IV drip at home where a nurse taught me and I administereed the IV fluids myself and even after 5 days I took the needle out while hubby watched.

I then went on the tapering down steroid pills. My Neuro gave me Vicodin for the "roid rage"

I don't get addicted ever and threw out 28 pills that I didn't need.

I'm feeling much more like myself when I was in remission. We'll see when Spring gets here. Believed my body went out of remission due to the DC metro aREA BEING HIT BY 3 noreasterner snowfalls. And the extreme cold. Not usedf to it. Good luck and many prayers for you

'the sock' is what I put over the IV port in my arm when I was on steroids" -KARIN


1...."the sock" is what I put over the IV port in my arm when I was on

Cut the toes off of a tube sock and put it up the arm so the IV port
is covered and it won't get dirty or disrupted.

There are also cool and funky "arm socks" that are the popular with the emo
bands and their fans (I included a pix).

Actually, I had a pair of those and wore one over my IV. I was
fashionably cool w/stripes while plugged into

I have been on steroids soooo many times.

I've had optic neuritis several times, numbness, pain, etc. I had told
Desinie about my experience with steroids many, many times.

There's no reason to be afraid of them.

The side effects include, acne, bloated face, weight gain, jitters,
insomnia, hot body temp, and

MAJOR mood change (i.e. BITCHINESS!!!